I Cried The Blood Against All Oppositions

De' Black Jesus
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In De' Revelation

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Bond between the Blackman and GOD THE BLACK MAN SHALL NOT DIE


De Black Jesus




I doubt de’ heritage of de’ people, conclude

the summary of its wonder, the prophet that stood before de’ cross as his brother, de’ humble the man who

 walked upon the fire, as de’ devil plotted

his survival; De' entrapment

of de' darken spirit, as the powerful brother release

His heritage, de struggle of de prophet stumble,


What awful way man declaim his fame

Crying for identity the prophet he is. 

De’ golden book delivered, the darken heart

Walk pass the fire and de savior save the brother

From his inner hate of recover.


We  might know the future but for our chronic weakness shall turn the tendency, the bionic transfusions of desire, to self inject the process of murder, but yet the prophet shall deliver, the psalms of de Jesus he live upon the living dead, and when the tongue of youth speak the future, however the present shall shut its ear, but the dungeon we live shall be the hell of no return, the presents have been dictated by the voices of the dead, foretelling in the mirror of self, the broken mirror release the spirits of the dead mind, and the reality of the demons that walk upon our street, to undermined the black man, the black imagery of Jesus shall not die in vain.



De’ Christ that lives within the black gene, genius of the black dirt created a summary of the master peace, the vast of spiritual collectives, the sanctuary of universe, the historical proclamation of root, Racial dormancy's the ruler of the black book, the black almighty the son of the savior, the almighty father, the preservation of creation, the son of the almighty today relies upon de black Jesus who lives through the aesthetics of DNA call historical sonnet of prophecies, deliberate to be vital.


Indeed at its best it never is. This was the case with our instinctive like of recognizing the DNA, as we approach our cultural maturity, the lights signals a blank, but unto those who recognize the de’ black jesus, the darken blinders shall never be release, but unto those who recognize de black Jesus, the victory of evolution shall fall into place.

The younger generation of de black tribe, angered by the preservation of treason, close the doors to the dead hypocrisy that has eaten the resurrection

 of de soldier call de black Jesus,

  thus achieved an objective attitude toward life.


 Living through de womb of abomination, a war on de principality of life, de soldiers that cross the other side, but  I come unto you the womb of the black dirt, injected within the historical spiritual atonement, to restore the creative grounds the sanctuary of de almighty grace, Dignity for them is but an idiom of exposure, enriching adventure and discipline, to de savior black Jesus, the extension of black roots;  giving subtler overtones to life, making it more beautiful and interesting, even if more poignantly;


 So experienced, it affords a deepening rather than a narrowing of social bureaucracy as de’ Young who lives through the devil himself, but unto the  mastery of form and technique as that of achieving an inner mastery of spiritual prophecies .


Into the furnace I shall walk toward de east let me go alone;
de spirit shall rise, de soul shall stand with pride, I shall walk

With my brother de’ black Jesus, singing de hallelujahs psalms, upon my journey de savior in me, I de’ seed of de black Jesus, stand before me.

Noumi Arts Collection @2005 All rights reserved