Intellectual Degradation
stand before you with the marks of the slave driver's whip, born in abomination, that will go down with me to my grave; but, what is worse, I feel the scourge, treason of
my people, their loyalty is given to the devil of slavery itself piercing into my heart, crushing my feelings, my people refuse
to relinquish the chains, I cry out loud in accordance with the righteous God, that lives upon the heavens, his words of freedom, was given when I came through my mothers womb, cutting the codes, the chains
that link between my mother and I , the seed of black man that created a nation of ebony tribes, I stand before the altar,
lord one time on my hand, my battle is not with the devil, but the roots that continue to hold the chains, and sinking me
into the depths of moral and intellectual degradation.
the days of slavery, the mind has not release, the soul continues to cry for a master, Trapped in the Bo Doric loyalty to
the master Earthly Gods, preachers said to the slaves they should obey their masters, forsaken all the laws of the Almighty,
loyalty he assumes to the devil him self because God commands it, freedom they stated will give them more freedom upon the
earth, as many devils who come within the cloak, preying on the wanted souls to reach the gates of heaven, at any cost. The ignorance's of self breeds another redemption, loyal to the earthly Gods. Imitating
the early Gods, forsaken the beauty of self, rapped up in the image, he wanted to be, the one he says he hate.
implement the code of darkness the slave master repeats the summary, and the black man who fell a sleep at his confinement,
the whipping dis obedience to the human God, traceable, disobedience, if you were not whipped, you would be the informant
to the slave director, and if you would
bow down in the sunshine of your master's house, subservient to the laws
of the devils house, exhort you to obedience.
The black man stood up with the white cloak and said, repent you are the servant of the master house, and the black
man looked up with tears upon his eyes, and the preacher stood upon the door looking down on him, as he was his back door
servant, and the black man stood up, and begin to walk within the doors, the preacher stood at the pull pit, as he call the
black man back to the alter, the preacher screamed out black as me, Nigger do you hear me calling you, I stand at the altar
of the lord, he said nigger do you want me to beat you, You should also be grateful that God in his mercy brought you from
Africa to this Christian land."
preacher stood by with the black book in his hand and said to the wretched slaves that God made them to do the working, and
the devil men the thinking. And such is the ignorance, in which the slaves are held, singing glory too thee, the hanging tree,
nerveless some of them go to the breeding tree, home they say, and today we live
the same mockery in reverse, imitating the image of a want be master, to kill the seeds of creation, the planted disk that
breeds through the blood, the blood line, of the hooded mask, and the Black Man stood about, and the corrupted minds said
yes lord, but the man look upon the house, and said my God dose not live in this house, as the Uncle Charlie's come as then
and now, and set traps for the free mind, under the hypnotic trace of slave master syndromes, to lead my people back in chains,
the bond signed with the devil, the black man loyalty to the devil, signed in blood, words of a black Jesus shall not be spoken
upon his tongue.
bond in blood that the only words that would be taught, crying for the freedom of soul, when it was soul in the transcript,
keep my people in ignorance, the devil man the thinking, and the black man to working, and the people to keep the constitution
of genocide sign in blood. It is punishable by death, to teach a slave education, and many black children who runs from educations, and mama's and daddies refuse to search for
knowledge, and darkness that lives upon their house, continue to generate a new breeds of slaves, slave was denied the privilege of learning, the culture refuse to bond together, the fathers and mothers
abandon their children, the murder of family has been completed, now the extent of black children, are being deleted, and
the stories ends, powerless tribes conquered by the hooded mask that lives within their veins, rehab is rejected, education
deleted, and love has no supplementary in this order calls black roots.
with all its bloody paraphernalia, is upheld by the church of the country. The
soul of black folks have become the trinity of darken souls. and slave-holders go hand in hand. The faceless traders, and the slave prison stand together; listen
to the chanting of psalms in one, you hear the clanking of chains in the other. The man who cries revolution, with one hand
in your pocket, and the next in the devils house of rejoice, treason hide during the week, fills the pulpit on Sunday, Under
Satan Authority, have robbery and religion united?devils dressed in angels' garments. The man who whipped me, and soul me
to the devil, and stand on the pull pits trying to pimp the almighty God.